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S. Korea tops OECD suicide rate ranking 한국 자살률 OECD 회원중 가장 높음
OECD 국가 중 자살률이 가장 높은 한국, 어떤 대책을 취하고 있나?
S. Korea marks World Suicide Prevention Day as PM urges community efforts
Korea's suicide rate has tripled in past 20 years
S. Korea recorded highest suicide rate in OECD in 2016
Korea's suicide rate has tripled in past 20 years
S. Korea records highest number of deaths on record in 2018
Korea's Anti-Smoking Policies Rank Lowest Among OECD Nations
Study shows correlation between time in bed and suicidal thoughts 오늘 ′자살예방의 날′
Korea ranks near bottom on antidepressant consumption 한국, 자살 1위인데...우울증 약 복용은
Suicide of S Korea
Top 10 countries with highest suicide rate